Dental Bridge | Dentatacity

Dental Bridge


A conventional dental bridge consists of 3 to 4 consecutive crowns. In order to be suitable for traditional bridges, you need to have healthy teeth at the end of each gap, even dental implants. Why? Because your dentist glues the crowns or dental implant on the tooth from both ends. So, if the dental bridge consists of 4 crowns, then two of them will appear, replacing the gaps. Whereas the latter and the former will be glued on the adjacent teeth or implants.The traditional dental bridge is most suitable for the back teeth.

Maryland Dental Bridge

The Maryland dental bridge comes in the form of a tooth with wing-like metals on each side. The Maryland bridge replaces a gap and holds its anchor, gluing its wings behind the teeth adjacent to it. Similar to the traditional dental bridge, you need to have dental or dental implants on both sides of the cavity.

Maryland köprüsü, gülümsediğinizde görünen öndeki dişler için en iyisidir. Bunun nedeni azı dişlerde olan basınç için yeterli güce sahip olmamalarıdır.

Cantilever Dental Bridge

With a cantilever bridge, the structure comes in the form of a tooth connected to a dental crown. The tooth replaces an incomplete cavity, and the fulcrum is gained by gluing the adjacent crown on the adjacent tooth or dental implant.

A cantilever dental bridge is best for teeth near canine teeth or canine teeth. They are suitable only if only one tooth is missing.

They are not suitable for the back teeth because the pressure and force on the molars are too much. In other words, the cantilever dental bridge cannot handle this force.

Decontamination is a restorative treatment with versatile applications that replaces the gaps between the teeth with natural-looking dentures. The structure comes in many forms and is applied differently depending on the area in the mouth.

Dental Bridge

The Procedure

The procedure begins with your dentist first evaluating your oral health. Before installing the dental bridge, you need to get rid of any underlying problems.

Then comes the evaluation of your mouth and missing teeth. You need to have teeth at both ends of the cavity. Otherwise, your doctor will recommend having an implant first. Because traditional dental bridges need to be glued on dental implants or natural teeth.

Then comes the step of choosing the material for your bridge. We have a comprehensive collection at Dentakay. Our dentists will recommend the best material for you according to:

History of allergies
December 2019
Aesthetic goals
After that, our dentists will take impressions of your mouth and send these details to a manufacturer. In a few weeks, you can have your own special dental bridge.

The Service Life of the Dental Bridge

Bridges have a maximum lifespan of 15 years, similar to dental implants. But many factors, such as improper care and poor dental hygiene, can all affect the life of the dental bridge.

The Dental Bridge


Dental bridge is a restorative treatment that replaces missing teeth. By doing this, he addresses many of the problems caused by tooth loss. These include:

Correcting speech problems and pronunciation
Restoring the aesthetic appeal of the smile
Improving chewing
Improving biting and adjusting the distribution of forces along the jaw
Stopping your teeth from moving, which occurs when you lose teeth for a long time

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